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Previous Events - 2011

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Why SoLoMo Will Finally Unleash M-Commerce

Date:Sept. 26-27, 2011
Location:San Francisco
Moderator:Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director, immr and GigaOm Pro analyst

Paul Cousineau - VP, Mobile Products, Walmart Global eCommerce

Ben Hedrington - Sr. Director, Mobile and Web Strategy, Best Buy

Mok Oh - Chief Scientist, PayPal

Eli Portnoy - CEO, ThinkNear

Why SoLoMo is Finally Unleashing M-Commerce - Slides for Discussion - GigaOm Mobilize Panel, Sept. 26, 2011

Tuning into Consumers' Digital Signals by Location

Date:Oct. 25-36, 2011
Location:New York City

Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director - immr and GigaOm Pro analyst

Frank Moyer, CEO - GeoIQ



How SoLoMo is Empowering Consumers, Transforming Shopping and Disrupting Advertising and Retailing

The Future of Mobile-Loco Commerce

Date:Nov. 3, 2011
Location:San Francisco
Moderator:Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director, immr and GigaOm Pro analyst

Sylvain Carle, CTO and co-founder, Needium
Eric Friedman, Dir. Business Development, Foursquare
Victor Wong, CEO - Paper G
Chung Meng Cheong, VP, Ad Products, ATTi (ATT Interactive)



Targeting and Personalizing Ads Based on Context and Situation

  • Future of Tablets

  • Wireless Technology Forum

  • ad:tech New York

  • CTIA

  • iPad & Tablets

  • Mobilize 2010

  • Location-based Summit

  • Social-Loco

  • GigaOm Structure

Date:Nov. 10, 2011
Location:New York City
Moderator:Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director, immr and GigaOm Pro analyst

Frank Moyer, CEO - GeoIQ
Shiv Singh, Head of Digital - PepsiCo Beverages
Albert Wenger, Partner - Union Square Ventures
David Staas, Senior VP of Marketing, JiWire
Di-Ann Eisnor, VP-Community Geographer, Waze

Location Intelligence

Date:Nov. 10, 2011
Location:New York City
Moderator:Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director, immr and GigaOm Pro analyst

Ted Morgan, Skyhook; Frank Moyer, GeoIQ; Duncan McCall, PlaceIQ

SoLoMo and other Smartphone Trends

Date:Nov. 14-15, 2011
Speaker:Dr. Phil Hendrix, Director, immr and GigaOm Pro analyst
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